Ms chee said
Hehe my teacher Ms Chee teaches me a lot I really appreciate it and I will try to use everything and fit it into my life.. she says during holiday we sure become more lazy then now on… sure… but I wan to plan keep on planning non stp planning for my life so that it isn’t a fill in the blacnk section but a full sheduale like Jolin Tsai and so on those big star I admired so much.. I hope to be like them to.. I promise my frenz tak shin them I will pay full atterntion to dance my interest… hardstyle need more and more and more practice I believe it.. I will I Can I will do it… like them very much give me a lot og guide .. I like try my best~ sometime we need change… change of mind and action… dun be too stuboorn on smth except smth u have the 200% ocnfidenceo n .. ^^ thn uproof it o other.. I dun like the power of looking down at me.. irealli dun like cause it hurtz… love doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.. yea… now I hope to tell every one.. I n the world..even the stanger walk pass me ppl in all walks of like I love I love my family I love dancing it really change me my thing as shin showit to me to globally actually as he put his nick to all of us to see it.. yeah it really great.. my big sister yesterday I nsoeuk.. I think she is the bravest ppl in the orld she take parts in the competiton… wow hwo dare she is but I can feel the power of her.. se need more power thn one’s is weark to see tinhg.. we need o be observant as Ms chee say.. ppl in 15 century can see water as a slug..wwo it reall I meaningful.. meaningful till yesterday I knot sleep I dunno y so I keep on waking up o do msth else..i learn smth from tat wek not force a drink to dirnk but we can… f we knot sleep I can get to learn smth new and meaning ful wait til I tired enuff to sleep again year..